The Tardis

The TARDIS (Time and Relative Dimension in Space) TT Type 40 Mark 1 (Sexy) (The Doctors Wife) is a time machine.Bigger on the inside - transcendentally dimensional, made possible by transcendental engineering. Controlled via the dimensional stabiliser. The Tardis has a chameleon circut which enables it to blend in with it's surroundings, unfortunately this tardis has a malfunction which the Doctor can't fix, so the Tardis is stuck in the form of a 1950's Police Box. Apart from Time travel, the Tardis has a telepathically based universal translation system for the travellers. The human form of the Tardis is called Idris who (or due to the short range guidance (relative to the size of the universe)) sometimes gets the Doctor to where he is needed. Idris is played by Suranne Jones

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Peter Capaldi – The Fourteenth Doctor?

The Scottish accent ran out clear towards the end of The Day Of The Doctor. “No sir! All thirteen!” as eyebrows narrowed.

But, according to the Daily Mirror, that was Fourteen.

They quote Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat confirming what Bleeding Cool ran earlier, that Matt Smith is not the Eleventh, nor the Twelfth but the final Thirteenth incarnation of the Time Lord that mostly goes by the name of The Doctor, including the War Doctor and the One-Hearted Rose Doctor. And that Peter Capaldi somehow breaches the natural order of things and becomes the Fourteenth Doctor…
Asked about the Christmas episode and the regeneration of Doctor Who, Moffat confirmed Matt was the 13th Doctor and told the Mirror: “The 12 regenerations limit is a central part of Doctor Who mythology – science fiction is all about rules, you can’t just casually break them. “So if the Doctor can never change again, what’s Peter Capaldi doing in the Christmas special?”

I don't like Doctor Who

"There. I said it. Despite my proud status as a TV nerd who watches all manner of genre entertainment on a regular basis, I have never liked "Doctor Who." This has been my secret shame for many years, but I can no longer keep silent. I am no Whovian, and I doubt I ever will be"...Read on

Huge Tardis Cake

Award winning Carlisle cake decorator Lisa Wheatcroft is wowing fellow Whovians with her talents after turning a mountain of chocolate cake and Rice Krispies into a four foot scale replica of the Tardis. The cake took three weeks to make.

Doctor Who 50th Birthday, have your photo taken with a TARDIS and it's FREE

Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Doctor Who Television Series. Come along and have your photo taken with a Full size TARDIS (at least on the outside) Just bring yourself, a camera and snap away :) It will be at the front of Ian Copp's house, so you won't miss it!

Life-size Dalek no match for Doctor Who superfan David

A Dalek in your bedroom is the stuff of nightmares for generations of sci-fi fans. But for Doctor Who superfan David Knill, a full-size extraterrestrial mutant in his spare room fulfilled a childhood dream.

Monday 18 November 2013

Bigger On The Inside: A Time Traveller's Mixtape
by More Or Les

With five critically-acclaimed releases, international touring under his belt, over a decade of performances and a feature on the latest album of UK Hip Hop band The Herbaliser, MC, Producer & DJ More Or Les is a Hip Hop triple threat. Les’ latest release is a themed, fan fiction dedication to Doctor Who titled Bigger On The Inside: A Time Traveller’s Mix Tape available for FREE online. A fan of Doctor Who since he was a child, More Or Les created songs inspired by the Time Traveller and his adventures in time for the 50th Anniversary of the show. Joining him on a musical journey through Time and Space are fellow emcees and long-time collaborators Ghettosocks and The Wordburglar, Canadian up-and-coming producers MisterE and Paul Chin, and UK Nerdcore producer Milk-Plus.

1. Time & Space 2. Bigger On The Inside 3. Angels & Monsters ft. Ghettosocks & Wordburglar 4. Get Exterminated 5. The Sound Of Drums 6. Rose Full Of Tears 7. Magic Blue Box 8. Tenth Planet 9. Travel Companions 10. Bigger Regeneration


Sunday 17 November 2013

BBC challenged over the ownership of the TARDIS again.

The son of man who invented the Tardis is challenging the BBC over breach of copyright. Not the first time this has happened, the London Metropolitan Police also tried this and lost.

This Weeks Doctor Who UK Viewing Schedule

Monday 18th November - Doctor Who The Ultimate Guide 8pm BBC3

Thursday 21st November - Doctor Who At The Proms 7pm BBC3

Thursday 21st November - An Adventure in Space And Time 9pm BBC2

Friday 22nd November - Doctor Who: The Ultimate Guide 7pm BBC3 (Repeat)

Friday 22nd November - Me, You And Doctor Who: A Culture Special Show 9:30pm BBC2

Friday 22nd November - The Science Of Doctor Who 11:05pm BBC2

Saturday 23rd November - Doctor Who - The Day Of The Doctor 7:50pm BBC1

Saturday 23rd November - Doctor Who Live: The After Party 9:05pm BBC3

Fifty years of Doctor Who - The Man in the Box - by Jill Lepore

...a stagehand wearing a black hooded sweatshirt and black cargo pants rummages through a Tupperware storage box, making an awful clatter. He pulls out something metal and rusted, cradling in his tattooed hands the part that would roll away if you were to guillotine a robot. “This, this,” he mutters in quiet triumph, “is the head we need.”

David Tennant and Billie Piper have been named the nations favourite Doctor Who and Companion of all time

More than 20,000 voted in 50th anniversary poll to find the ultimate Doctor Who stars from half a century of BBC sci-fi programming

Best Doctor
1.David Tennant
2.Matt Smith
3.Tom Baker
4.Christopher Eccleston

Best Comapnion
1.Rose Tyler - Billie Piper
2.Sarah Jane Smith - Elisabeth Sladen
3.Donna Noble - Catherine Tate
4.River Song - Alex Kingston
From the cardinal fields of Gallifrey to the caves of Androzani to the last day of The Last Great Time War, this tattered embroidery chronicles a millennium of The Doctor's history.

Friday 15 November 2013

TARDIS to appear in Holyhead on the 16th November

The week long TARDIS tour, which starts in Holyhead on Saturday November 16th, will offer fans a chance to see the time travelling police box up close. Look out for #TARDIStourWales on Twitter for the exact location

Eighth Doctor Who Paul McGann returns in Night of the Doctor

After only appearing in a single made for TV pilot in 1996, McGann was not seen again on the screen as the Doctor… until now.

Previous to ‘Night of the Doctor,’ the story of how the Eighth Doctor’s life ended and his regeneration was never told. With this minisode, that gap can finally be closed. Now we know how the Eighth Doctor sacrificed his life during the Time War and became the man needed at the time, a character now called ‘The War Doctor’ played by John Hurt (CGi’d to look young in a reflection).

Night of the Doctor sets the stage for the 50th anniversary adventure Day of the Doctor but it is a special gift to fans who have been following the program since its early days before Russell T Davies arrived and it also adds to the mythology of the new program. Not only do we have a story set during the Time War between the Daleks and Time Lords (something Moffat stated he was never interested in exploring), but we also can finally put to rest the conundrum of how the Eighth Doctor ‘died’ and answer some of the questions as to who the Doctor played by John Hurt is.


 The Night of the Doctor will be available at selected periods each day between 16 and 23 November. Access it via your Red Button at the following times:

Saturday 16 November: 7:30-9:55pm, 10:30-11:45pm
Sunday 17 November: 6:30-9:55pm
Monday 18 November: 7-10:30pm
Tuesday 19 November: 9:30pm onwards
Wednesday 20 November: until 7am, 7:30pm onwards
Thursday 21 November: until 7am, 5:30-8:10pm, 10pm onwards
Friday 22 November: until 7am, 7:30pm onwards
Saturday 23 November: until 2:30pm, 6-7:45pm


Cybershades were rug-like creatures with bronze Cyber-heads. Like their Cyberman superiors, they had piping like handlebars connected to their heads, except they angled diagonally like the ears of an animal.

The Cybershades had the brains of cats or dogs and were unable to speak or obey complex commands. They seemed unable to run upright. They were only seen to run on all fours or bent over low. tardis.wikia

Thursday 14 November 2013

The Tardis touches down in Wodonga

A replica of one of the most famous objects in British television is getting a Wodonga Library showcase this week.

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Doctor Who 50th anniversary prequel The Night of the Doctor to screen via BBC Red Button

The mysterious mini episode, billed as a prequel to the Doctor Who 50th anniversary special, will be made available via the BBC's interactive Red Button service from Saturday 16 November, a week before the main event lands. Details are scarce but we're told it will feature one of the three incarnations of the Time Lord – Matt Smith, David Tennant and John Hurt – set to star in the feature-length special. But which one?

 The Night of the Doctor will be available at selected periods each day between 16 and 23 November. Access it via your Red Button at the following times:

Saturday 16 November: 7:30-9:55pm, 10:30-11:45pm
Sunday 17 November: 6:30-9:55pm
Monday 18 November: 7-10:30pm
Tuesday 19 November: 9:30pm onwards
Wednesday 20 November: until 7am, 7:30pm onwards
Thursday 21 November: until 7am, 5:30-8:10pm, 10pm onwards
Friday 22 November: until 7am, 7:30pm onwards
Saturday 23 November: until 2:30pm, 6-7:45pm


Sunday 10 November 2013

Transmission time confirmed for The Day of the Doctor

The BBC have confirmed the transmisison time of 50th anniversary special The Day of the Doctor as 7.50pm (GMT).
Around the world, that equates to:
  • 2.50pm in New York
  • 11.50am in Los Angeles
  • 6.50am on Sunday 24 in Sydney

50th live after-party to air on BBC Three

The BBC has announced that a Doctor Who "after-episode-party" will be shown on BBC Three after 'The Day of the Doctor' airs later this month. The live event will air at 9.05pm on Saturday 23 November on BBC Three.

Saturday 9 November 2013

Doctor Who: Channel 5 to air Peter Cushing films to mark 50th anniversary

At 10am on Saturday November 23 – the same day as the BBC celebrates the series' half-century with feature-length episode The Day of the Doctor – Channel 5 will show Dr Who and the Daleks. The following day, at the same time, the broadcaster will screen Daleks: Invasion Earth 2150AD.

Monday 4 November 2013