Saturday 28 December 2013

Peter Capaldi

So, Whovian brothers and sisters...what is your first impressions and expectations of the new Doctor? 

Wednesday 25 December 2013

Tardis diorama

With a pint jar, some miniature trees, a tiny Tardis, and glitter, you can make your own

Sunday 15 December 2013

And the winner is...

The Doctors Who's Who
Celebrating Its 50th Year
by Craig Cabell
A Tardis of a book, from William Hartnell to Peter Capaldi. The lives of each actor in TV, Film, Theatre and Audio. From before, during and after they took on the role as the Doctor. A fantastic read and a book you will pick up again and again.

And from the competition post, the answer we were looking for was Waris Hussein and the winner of the book is Erik, congratulations and thanks to all who took part. 

Friday 6 December 2013

The Doctors Who's Who

The Doctors Who's Who
Celebrating Its 50th Year
by Craig Cabell
A Tardis of a book, from William Hartnell to Peter Capaldi. The lives of each actor in TV, Film, Theatre and Audio. From before, during and after they took on the role as the Doctor. A fantastic read and a book you will pick up again and again.

And you can win your own copy thanks to Lorna at John Blake Publishing Ltd.
Just send an email to one of the editors (top right) with the answer to the following question
Who directed the first ever Doctor Who episode for TV?
Closing date 9th December 2013
The Winner of the book will be drawn after the closing date

Gell Guards

Gell guards were blob-like creatures created by Omega, trapped in a black hole domain made of anti-matter. They had the ability to travel from Omega's anti-matter universe into that of matter. An advance guard appeared in the form of a shapeless jelly-like blob. Others appeared more solid and could use their claws as weapons to fire blasts. They were immune to gun and rocket fire. Under Omega's command they attacked UNIT HQ. They killed a number of soldiers, captured the Third Doctor and his friends, and took them to Omega's lair. (The Three Doctors 1973)

...Like Cup-a-Soups

"...Like Cup-a-Soups except you add time, If you can picture that.
Nobody can picture that.
Forget I said Cup-a-Soups."

The Tardis

The TARDIS (Time and Relative Dimension in Space) TT Type 40 Mark 1 (Sexy) (The Doctors Wife) is a time machine.Bigger on the inside - transcendentally dimensional, made possible by transcendental engineering. Controlled via the dimensional stabiliser. The Tardis has a chameleon circut which enables it to blend in with it's surroundings, unfortunately this tardis has a malfunction which the Doctor can't fix, so the Tardis is stuck in the form of a 1950's Police Box. Apart from Time travel, the Tardis has a telepathically based universal translation system for the travellers. The human form of the Tardis is called Idris who (or due to the short range guidance (relative to the size of the universe)) sometimes gets the Doctor to where he is needed. Idris is played by Suranne Jones

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Peter Capaldi – The Fourteenth Doctor?

The Scottish accent ran out clear towards the end of The Day Of The Doctor. “No sir! All thirteen!” as eyebrows narrowed.

But, according to the Daily Mirror, that was Fourteen.

They quote Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat confirming what Bleeding Cool ran earlier, that Matt Smith is not the Eleventh, nor the Twelfth but the final Thirteenth incarnation of the Time Lord that mostly goes by the name of The Doctor, including the War Doctor and the One-Hearted Rose Doctor. And that Peter Capaldi somehow breaches the natural order of things and becomes the Fourteenth Doctor…
Asked about the Christmas episode and the regeneration of Doctor Who, Moffat confirmed Matt was the 13th Doctor and told the Mirror: “The 12 regenerations limit is a central part of Doctor Who mythology – science fiction is all about rules, you can’t just casually break them. “So if the Doctor can never change again, what’s Peter Capaldi doing in the Christmas special?”

I don't like Doctor Who

"There. I said it. Despite my proud status as a TV nerd who watches all manner of genre entertainment on a regular basis, I have never liked "Doctor Who." This has been my secret shame for many years, but I can no longer keep silent. I am no Whovian, and I doubt I ever will be"...Read on