Sir John Hurt, of Alien, Doctor Who and The Elephant Man, Dies at 77

Sir John Hurt, the prolific Oscar-nominated actor, died at the age of 77 on Friday. Hurt was a mainstay character actor in genre entertainment, appearing in dozens of SFF films and TV shows, while also receiving acclaim for roles in The Elephant Man, Tinker Sailor Soldier Spy, and Midnight Express.
With more than 200 credits to his name and a career spanning over 50 years, Hurt has appeared in so many projects that it’s difficult to narrow it down to his most famous or most memorable. As Officer Kane in Alien, he was the victim of the infamous “chestburster” scene, which we’ve all seen memed and replayed across the ages. (That role also earned him a BAFTA nomination.) He played Mr. Ollivander in three Harry Potter films; he played the War Doctor on Doctor Who; he voiced Aragorn in the animated Lord of the Rings, the Horned King in The Black Cauldron, and the Great Dragon in the TV series Merlin. He played Gilliam in Snowpiercer, a vampire Christopher Marlowe in Only Lovers Left Alive, and Winston Smith in Michael Radford’s film adaptation of 1984. These are just some of his credits.

Friday 6 January 2017


When 8 year old Grant rescues a man called the Doctor from falling outside his bedroom window, he finds himself on the roof of his apartment building a fantastical machine on Christmas Eve. But after he accidentally swallows a gemstone known as the Hazandra – ‘the Ghost of Love and Wishes’, the intuitive crystal bonds with Grant’s DNA and gives him what he has always wanted – the power to be a superhero! Although the Doctor makes Grant promise that he will never use these new powers, it isn’t long before another chance encounter suggests otherwise. During an investigation into a scientific institute in New York - ‘Harmony Shoal’ - the Doctor, Nardole and journalist Lucy Fletcher are held at gunpoint when a superhero literally swoops in to save the day. The Ghost! And of course, it doesn’t take the Doctor long to realise that the man beneath the mask and suit is Grant.

With the crystal inside him, Grant has super strength, hearing, x-ray vision and the ability to fly. But the only power he really wants is for Lucy to stop fantasising about his alter ego, The Ghost, and to start noticing him instead. In a way, Grant is competing for Lucy’s affections…with himself. So actually it’s VERY complicated.


Nardole is introduced in the 2015 Christmas special "The Husbands of River Song". He was hired by Professor River Song as a servant on Mendorax Dellora on Christmas Day 5343. He unwittingly brought the Doctor and River back together, mistaking the Doctor for a surgeon River had requested to extract a diamond from the head of the ruthless King Hydroflax. During the episode Nardole had his head cut off, but he managed to survive because it was uploaded to King Hydroflax' cyborg body.

In the 2016 Christmas special "The Return of Doctor Mysterio" Nardole appeared as the Doctor's companion. Once his final night with River Song had concluded, the Doctor was somehow able to reattach Nardole's head to his body, Nardole joining the Doctor as a companion so that the grieving Time Lord would have someone to stop him going too far over his grief at his final parting with River.