Wednesday 16 June 2010


Blackbeard was an English pirate and the subject of several works of fiction. The Master of the Land summoned Blackbeard in his mental battle with the Doctor, in "The Mind Robber", 1968.


  1. Did you know Blackbeard killed alot of his fellow pirates if they annoyed him and one time he killed most of his men and was boarded by enemies. They killed him and cut of his head. They say he swam around the ship 3 times without his head! Maybe The Doctor did something timey wimey to him...

  2. Mr Dalek, that's interesting. Must admit I didn't know much about him :-)

  3. Thats what you learn from horrible histories books :D

  4. Could you follow my blog please the other was abandoned as blogger messed it up :D

  5. Black beard was hardly violent10 January 2012 at 13:14

    Your story about blackbeard is bullshit. He would rarely even kill his enemies.
