Saturday 24 October 2009

Doctor who Dimension in Time - Doctor Who meets Eastenders

Dimensions in Time is a charity special crossover between the British science fiction television series Doctor Who and the soap opera EastEnders that ran in two parts on November 26 and 27, 1993. It was filmed on the EastEnders Albert Square set, and features several of the stars of that programme at the time. Produced for the Children in Need charity, following Doctor Who's cancellation in 1989 this special was the only dramatisation broadcast in celebration of the show's 30th anniversary.

Friday 23 October 2009

The Caves of Androzani is voted best Doctor Who story

THE Caves of Androzani has been voted the top Doctor Who TV tale in a new poll.

The story gained the highest score in a poll in Doctor Who Magazine, in which 6,700 people took part.

It aired in four episodes in March 1984 and marked the last appearance of 5th Doctor Peter Davison and the first appearance of the 6th incarnation played by Colin Baker. more

Wednesday 21 October 2009

Design A Tardis Competition From Blue Peter

The competition is open to all UK residents (including residents of the Channel Islands and the Isle Of Man) aged between 6 and 12 years on the closing date (2nd November 2009) more here

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Matt Smith injured by his own Sonic Screwdriver on set of Doctor Who

For one scene, the sonic screwdriver is intentionally blown up as the Doctor holds it to an umbrella.

But the explosion caused the umbrella to spark - burning 26-year-old Smith. more

Monday 19 October 2009

New Doctor Who Logo

When the new series of Doctor Who begins in 2010 there'll be a new Doctor, a new companion and a new logo - as seen above. via

Sunday 18 October 2009

The Wire's Clarke Peters in Doctor Who spin-off

Clarke Peters, who played Lester Freamon in The Wire, is set to star in the new Doctor Who cartoon spin-off.

Peters, who played a central role in the HBO TV series as the methodical detective, will appear in the six-part series Dreamland.

He will play a native American called Night Eagle in the series which will premiere on the interactive 'red button' service on BBC1 later this year. via

Friday 16 October 2009

Matchstick Dalek

This full scale matchstick model of one of televisions scariest aliens is the work of Brian Croucher, 66, who spent more than two years on the task
more via

Monday 5 October 2009

Doctor Who Funeral

A Doctor Who fan has received his ultimate send off from planet Earth – via a Doctor Who themed funeral.

Sebastian Neale, who died from head injuries at the age of 26, was laid to rest in a casket made to resemble the TARDIS. The Doctor Who theme song was played as mourners were greeted with quotes from the series, including the Doctor’s words, “I’m a time lord … I’m not a human being. I walk in eternity” and the first Doctor’s (William Hartnell) famous speech from The Dalek Invasion Of Earth:

“One day, I will come back. Yes, I shall come back. Until then there must be no regrets, no tears, no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs, and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine.”


Friday 2 October 2009

Tom Baker Launches Official Website

Tom Baker, the longest serving Doctor in Doctor Who, has launched an official website.

The launch coincides with the famous actors long awaited return to Doctor Who with the new BBC audio drama Doctor Who: Hornet’s Nest.

Check it out at


Thursday 1 October 2009

Doctor Who star Tennant beats Obama as pupils' dream head teacher

Doctor Who actor David Tennant has piped US President Barack Obama after being voted children's "dream" head teacher in a poll.

A quarter of kids, between the age bracket of nine to 11, believed that the former Time Lord would fit the bill of a good head teacher because he appears intelligent and fun, in the survey by the National College for the Leadership of Schools and Children's Services.

Steve Munby, the National College chief executive, said that head teachers and celebrities stood as role models for the youngsters.

"David Tennant strikes a chord with children because he is intelligent, a strong leader and a skilled communicator. He's also popular and fun which are both appealing characteristics," the Telegraph quoted him as saying.

"Being a head is a tough and extremely rewarding job but you don't need to be a Time Lord to make a difference to children's lives. Head teachers are role models in their own right," he added.

Dream head teachers:

1. David Tennant

2. Barack Obama

3. JK Rowling

4. Cheryl Cole

5. David Beckham

6. Will Smith

7. Michelle Obama

8. Alan Sugar

9. Lewis Hamilton

10. Alan Shearer
